LAZNIA 1 2011 - Jaromir Młody Krajewski and Dzidek Jodko
10.02.2011, at 7 p.m
Jaromir Krajewski a.k.a. Młody – Leader, lyricist and vocalist of the punk band WC, one of the key groups active during the time of martial law.
Zdzisław Jodko a.k.a. Dzidek – In the years 1981-85, lyricist and vocalist of a new wave band Corpus X from Szczecin. During martial law, he started to organize first independent concerts of alternative bands. Publisher of Garaż (‘Garage’), one of the essential magazines about punk, ska and reggae music. Founder of Jimmy Jazz Records music label releasing recordings of alternative bands.
Curator: Paweł Konjo Konnak
Coordinator: Berenika Podrucka
Municipal Institution of Culture