LAZNIA 1 2010 - Waldemar Major Fydrych
12.08.2010, at 7 p.m.
Waldemar Major Fydrych – a happening artist, performer and writer. He was one of the originators and leaders of Orange Alternative movement. He is mostly known for his actions in 80s.
In 1989 he stood for election and he received 10,000 votes but it was not enough for the seat. 
Shortly after he went to Paris. He worked there doing different temporary jobs such as painting the walls. In 1999 he came back to Wrocław and he started the ephemeral South-West Front – they did couple of happenings against the city council. He is an author of three books and a painter painting specific works with the dwarfs. A member of the Society of a Free Word.
Once called in front of the army commission in order to serve the duty he showed up wearing a major uniform. However not willing to serve the army duty he was showing a great enthusiasm which was mistaken as insanity. When asked to show the respect to the superiors he started calling his interlocutor a colonel and himself a major. That explains why his nickname that he still uses...

Hocus-Pocus or Orange Alternative – together with Bogdan Dobosz (1989)
The Lives of the Orange Men (2001)
The Dwarfs and Galoots (2006)

Project co-organized by National Centre for Culture in Warsaw.
Project co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Municipal Institution of Culture