LAZNIA 1 2010 - Antoni Pawlak
24.06.2010 at 7 p.m.
A poet, journalist. He studied philosophy in Warsaw Theological Academy. He is the author of over 20 poetry books, for example: Open 24/7 (1975), Army ID (1981), Military notebook (1983), Long knives, short skirts (1990), Deads like travels so much (1998), Personal Act (1999), The fear in my eyes is deep like a well (2002). He was convicted for posting the leaflets encouraging people to boycott the elections in 1972 and then sentenced to 18 months jail wholly suspended for 3 years. Between 1979 and 1980 he was a member of "Puls" - a magazine printed in the "second circulation". He is the author of many articles in "Puls", "Zapis" and "Biuletyn Informacyjny KSS KOR". He received a prestigious The Kościelski Award. In August 1980 he took part in strike in Gdańsk Shipyard. As a journalist he worked for "Powściągliwość i Praca", "Przegląd Wiadomości Agencyjnych", "Gazeta Wyborcza". He is a co-editor in quarterly literary magazine "Migotania, przejaśnienia". A former editor-in-chief of Tower Press Publishers and vice president of Publishers. Since 1st April 2007 he is Paweł Adamowicz (the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk) public relation officer. In 2006 he was recognized with Honored Cultural Activist Award.
Project co-organized by National Centre for Culture in Warsaw.
Project co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Municipal Institution of Culture